1st picture I took of Maruko when she arrived here.
Maruko and Kura (JRT) got along perfectly well. I say Kura is probably the best match with Maruko's personality. Both are active and love to play.
Watch my video on how they interact and play with one another.
Kura is so cute in this video! Jumping around like crazy and ending up on her favourite chair! Oh yes,she enjoys the view at my place and often looks out of the window.
Maruko and Kura playing, Pino and Putty just watching and occasionally barking. Pino and Putty learnt from Kura and also love to jump on the chairs instead of sofa. And they all love to jump on the space behind the chair I am sitting. Sometimes, I have to share my chair with Pino AND Putty sitting behind, 3 of us sharing one chair!
Kura was going home that evening Maruko arrived. I put all 4 dogs (Maruko, Kura, Pino and Putty, the 2 toy poodles) in the car on the way to return Kura to her owner.
There's a dog run just opposite Kura's residence at Meyer Road. So I took the 3 remaining dogs for some free run and fun at the dog run. After that, we went to nearby East Coast Park for dinner and a long walk.
I have a welcome figurine of a mini Dachshund just outside my house, and I always wanted to take a picture of Fred and Ruby (2 mini Dachshunds) beside this figurine :) Maruko plays with Fred sometimes. In fact, the 2 Dachshunds and Maruko have met before during their CNY stay together.
Baybear, another Toy Poodle and in almost the same shade as Maruko :) Bay's got his own video which I used in my main blog, Homestay Dogs
Don't they look so cute together?! Ha!
Maruko at the West Coast Dog Run. With her are Harvey (Pug), Tai4Tai4 (Maltese), and Baybear (Toy Poodle). The 2 Schunauzers in the pictures are not under my dogcare. I took a bunch of videos here, but it is too dark to show.
Maruko looking so adorable on the beanbag. She sleeps on it sometimes.
Maruko also sleeps sometimes on the sofa. Doesn't she looks like a teddybear?!
My hubby likes Maruko alot. He likes to play fetch with her. Pity I do not have a shot of her with her rope or ball or empty water bottle. She looks so cute carrying them in her mouth!
Maruko with Scampi, a Mini/Standard Poodle. They both like to play fight together! Both have similar characteristics like whining when the humans leave the room. (Although Maruko has stopped doing that, and hopefully remains happily independent.)
Maruko and Scampi at "it" again. (Playing or play fighting)
Both dogs tired but happy after their round of play. Notice Ming (Pekingese) in the background who will just laze around. Ming rarely plays with Maruko as he is not a playful dog.
Ming is a Pekingese and looks like a Pug. He has a cute fluff of hair at the top of his head :)
Molly (Pug) featured at the end of the video.
During one particular period, I had Maruko, Scampi, Darcy and Jane (2 Westies). Darcy and Jane are 9 and 10 years old respectively, and they have bright lovely eyes! Jane is really lively for a 10 year old. It's a handful looking after these lively dogs!
I wanted to capture all 4 in a photograph, but cannot do so without help as they are constantly moving around. So I took a video of the 4 dogs.
More Maruko pictures. Lying around the house.
I took these shots of Maruko the last few days of her stay with me. These were taken when we were visiting my parents.
B Boy (Schnauzer) also featured here.
These 2 shots were taken while waiting for Maruko's owner, Rebecca to arrive and pick her up.
Goodbye Maruko. We miss you!
Other shots I wish I had taken : Maruko likes to rub her body on the grasses. There was once she was rubbing rubbing rubbing while sliding down a slope, and she kept on going back up and rub her body down the slope. Everyone finds Maruko looks so pretty and always want to pet her, but I cannot allow them to do so unless they want a nip on their hand. My dad and sis managed to pet her though :) My dad also likes Maruko alot.
Hope you enjoyed the photos and videos.